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Ep 12 | Hello God? It's Me, Anxiety Girl.
Ep 11 | Exes & Ohs! Surviving the Holidays Divorced
Ep 10 | I Don't Know How to Pray
Ep 09 | Why Don't You Take My Last Name
Ep 08 | Grandma Knows Best
Ep 07 | It's Me or the Kids
We're covering everything, and we're not holding back. There's an episode for everyone, and we've promised to show up as our most authentic selves. So grab a cup, your earbuds, and settle in.
Explore our full podcast roll below.
Join us as we pull back the rug, turn over everything to God & tackle remarriage, dating, exes, single parenting, finances, life and love, one discernment at a time.
that really matter
With Susie and Robb Brinck