Decorative risers are essential to the home decorator. Therefore, I am sharing a few different ways that I have styled risers in my client’s homes. Then, a few creative ways that I have seen decorative risers used from my home decor friends on Instagram.
A decorative riser is a stand used to elevate something else in a display. While some risers, like our raised serving boards, are used functionally to serve food, decorative risers add beauty to any space in the home. You can find many decorative wood risers in the shop at From: Susie. However, cake stands, pedestals, and stacks of books, wood bowls or small cutting boards can act as a decorative riser, too.
Not only do decorative risers add height to a vignette, but layering pieces add depth and visual interest into the space. Risers can elevate candles or plants, accentuate table centerpieces, or act similar to trays. Plus, risers are one of my favorite decor items to style bookshelves.
Seasonal scented candles uplift the mood and add warmth and light to a space. However, some candles may look small compared to other objects, like tall flower filled vases. In order to achieve visual balance, use a riser to add height to candles, plants or other decor.
Again, decorative risers can simply be a stack of books, dishes, or wood boards. Here, I styled stacks of vintage, deconstructed books along the centerpiece of this table. Then, I placed decor beads and apples on top to add color and texture. While the large vase acts as a focal point, the books add depth.
Similar to styling trays, large risers can be used to group items together on the coffee table, kitchen island or entryway table. You can read more about how I style trays, here.
When styling bookshelves, showcase things that you have collected over the years. Decorating with risers can add the right height to things that you love, but do not visually fill the space on its own. Find more shelf styling tips, here.
We love to see our From: Susie products styled in the homes of our favorite social media influencers on Instagram. From stacking wood pedestals, books and cutting boards, these decorative risers elevate the style of any vignette.
Left image by Liz @DesertDecor, Top by Carla @ourhouseofthree, Bottom pic by Jennifer @PbandP
In addition, if you take a great photo of products from the shop, please tag us on Instagram at @FromSusie for a chance to be shared. Creativity sparks creativity!
These wood risers, pictured below, are available in the shop. Left image by Jennifer @PbandP, Top by Amy@cutertudor, Bottom by Tina @To_MimisHousewego, shown with our From: Susie lanterns.
Join me on Instagram or Pinterest anytime you need more inspiration!